Thank you for visiting Tailors World.
TAILORS WORLD is a comprehensive information portal site for those who are engaged in work related to custom-made suits, custom-made shirts, custom-made shoes, and other custom-made clothing and shoes, and for all those who love the work produced by these artisans.
As the information society spreads, the custom-made clothing industry has a lot of information available if you look into it, such as ordering through websites and videos on technology and expertise.
However, it is no exaggeration to say that the custom made apparel industry lags behind other apparel sectors in the use of IT technology and information dissemination.
This website will explore the possibilities of IT technology in the custom-made clothing industry, and will provide you with useful information and interesting content.
We are also planning to add various useful functions for finding information in the future.
Thank you.

After working in sales at a select store, I worked as a custom suit fitter before I took my current position. I also hope to return to a world where I can resume my hobby of visiting saunas.